Aegis Therapies is a nationwide provider of rehabilitation, wellness, restorative and home health. I was tasked with crafting a new set of brand guidelines that featured a modern, memorable design indicative of the services provided.
A prominent feature of the rebrand is centered around a suite of icons I designed to portray different ideals of the business. Below you can see a depiction of the elements, and an example of how they may be used for a collateral piece.

Initially, all of Aegis' lines of business had unique and disjointed branding styles. One goal of the redesign was to create cohesion amongst the different companies, while still giving them a distinct look. Below is a snapshot of the branding I created for two of the additional business units, Aegis Rehab & Wellness and EnerG.
This project included collaboration with many senior executives to achieve a design that fit within each brand, and this design satisfied all parties involved. This branding has been utilized for over two years and is used in all marketing collateral.

The following overview book is another example of work I created that features the new branding. This piece was a 2023 Platinum Hermes Creative Award winner.